Winner Profile: Darlene Sheetz
Honoring our employees every year is always so much fun for us as a company. We love seeing the looks on winners’ faces! At this year’s WOW Day, we honored the newest Commitment Value Champion, Darlene Sheetz. We caught up with Darlene to hear about winning her award in her own words.
Before her name was announced, Darlene said she was just enjoying WOW Day. “It’s a great day of celebrating and seeing everyone’s face light up as they are rewarded by their teammates for their accomplishments,” she said. Kyle Nordby, our outgoing Commitment Value Champion, was up on stage and presenting the newest winner when Darlene heard her name. “I was still in shock walking up to the stage,” she said. “I felt happy, but I walked slowly so I wouldn’t trip in front of everyone!”
When our Value Champions and Grand Value Champion receive their awards, they are presented with a personalized video, commemorating their accomplishment. “When I was on stage, I was nervous and was trying not to cry,” Darlene said. “I loved the video that was made, and I truly appreciate all of the hard work that went into making this moment so special.
“After I walked off stage, I felt amazing,” Darlene said. “Everyone is giving high fives and hugs. I was ready and excited to find out who the next winner was going to be. At the end of the day, I was still elated but also a bit nervous since I realized that I will be introducing next year’s winner. So I’ll be preparing for that well in advance!”
The next day when Darlene got to the office, she saw some immediate changes. “It was so cool to see that someone had already changed the parking lot signs, so now I have reserved parking! That was extremely thoughtful,” she said. “Since WOW Day, I have been trying every day to better myself, and I am truly committed to answering questions and finding the answers I don’t know as quickly as possible. I think it is important that I fill the ‘shoes’ of my award every day!”
“I didn’t think I was going to win my award because there are so many other Memory Makers that could have won,” Darlene said. “But I am excited to see what new and improved things we will accomplish this year!”
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- How Crystal D Does Recognition
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