Millennials At Work
Millennials are taking over.
We know, we know…you hear this everywhere. Millennials this, millennials that.
But it’s true. According to a Forbes article, millennials will represent almost 75% of the work force by 2030. They’re coming, and they’re coming quickly.
Millennials create a new way of life in the office, so there are some things that will make the workplace better for millennials. And the nice thing is, these things will probably make the workplace better for everyone there.
What kinds of things?
1. Growth
Millennials want to grow, but it might mean leaving your company. The average tenure of a millennial employee is about 2 years, according to Forbes. Gen Xers and baby boomers have an average of 5 and 7 years, respectively. So why do millennials leave quicker? If they aren’t growing, they are probably leaving. They want to move up the ladder faster because they have grown up in the digital era. They have an infinite number of resources to help them grow, so if your company won’t help them, someone else will.
So how do you keep a millennial in their position? Give them more opportunities! If you see your millennials slowing down, find them something challenging. They will feel like you are invested in their future and growth, so they are now more likely to develop a stronger relationship with the company and the people they work with.
2. Coaching
Your millennials want to grow, so how do you help them grow but keep them with your company? Coaching them will help. A lot. Rather than giving a millennial directions, teach them how to do the things you want them to learn. Be their mentor.
3. Recognition
Doesn’t everyone want recognition, though? Yes, millennials are the product of the “participation trophy” generation, but who doesn’t want to hear that they’ve done a great job? A little bit of recognition goes a long way. More often than not, millennials are faced with measly starting salaries and no job security. So letting them know their contributions to the company are appreciated will go a long way. Whether it's small-scale recognition or a physical award, recognition goes a long way.
Once you recognize your millennials as well as the rest of your employees, what does that get you? That gets you loyalty. Employees who are appreciated are more likely to stay with their company because they develop a loyalty to those who are appreciative of their hard work. This goes along with growth because when you invest in a millennial’s growth potential, that’s a form of recognition. You recognize their talent and are willing to help them grow.
Now that you know what your millennials want, you can create an environment that not only makes them happy but will also make the rest of your employees happy as well. You want the best for your company, so embrace the millennials new needs. Then sit back and watch your employees’ happiness levels grow!
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- Crystal D Blog
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