Todd H ‐ Vice President of Strategic Accounts

My name is Todd, and I’m the vice president of strategic accounts.
I was born and raised in North Dakota. I have a B.S. from the University of North Dakota in Social Science, and I was also a four-year letter winner on the football team. I moved down to “The Cities” after graduation in 2001 and have been here ever since. With 20 years of sales experience with various organizations, I truly enjoy building long-lasting relationships with my customers to be a trusted partner to help them grow their business. I was drawn to Crystal D because of the people and culture. As a fan of the team approach, I look forward to doing my part to help Crystal D grow and achieve our goals in the years to come.
Outside of work, my three kids keep my wife and me pretty busy. You will typically find us at a dance studio, hockey rink, or ball field — to name a few! When we do have a free weekend in the summer, we head north to the family cabin on Leech Lake. We enjoy getting on the water and relaxing on the beach. My wife and I also enjoy taking in a good concert from most any genre. Good music is good music.
Something Surprising: I enjoy cooking, baking and grilling. Whether it be making lefse, preparing a solid brunch on Sunday, or managing the seafood boil, I have always enjoyed the end results that come with the process.
Favorite Award: My favorite award is the Courtney Rectangle, one of the pieces from our Encapsulate™ Gallery. The 3D/2D subsurface laser engraving, along with the cylinder that allows one to add their own substrate, really captures that special moment.