Jim Thome

NEWS RELEASE: Crystal D Creates Award for Jim Thome of the Minnesota Twins

Jim Thome, a member of the Minnesota Twins, was recognized for his milestone home run number 600 on August 18. During the recognition ceremony, Thome accepted an award that was created by the E Group and Crystal D – the Starburst Award.

The recognition ceremony took place at Target Field just before a game against the New York Yankees in Minneapolis, MN. In addition to receiving a crystal award, Thome also received a commemorative embroidered jersey with the number 600, a vacation voucher, and a fishing lure.
Jim Thome AwardThe Twins organization worked closely with the E Group. According to Rob Madelmayer, who worked closely with the team to determine the ideal award design, said, “The Twins ultimately selected the Starburst Award because of the six crystal stars; each represents 100 career home runs. Both the E Group and Crystal D were privileged to work with the Twins to honor such a momentous achievement. Additional information about this award, designed exclusively by Crystal D, can be found here.

“We were honored when the E Group brought us in as their strategic partner for this project,” says Chuck Dahlgren, President of Crystal D. “Working together to create an award for one of our hometown heroes brought life and excitement into our office.”

About E Group
E Group (www.egrouprecognition.com) is one of the nation’s leading promotional agencies. For nearly 30 years, they have been providing premier awards and recognition programs to the Fortune 500, Federal Agencies, leading associations, and sports organizations.

About Crystal D
Crystal D (www.crystal-d.com) has been a leading supplier of corporate awards to the promotional products industry for more than 15 years. The company offers a total of 1,000+ awards and plaques, seven imprint processes and eight substrates. Crystal D maximizes technology to communicate with promotional product consultants via a highly functional website and an online order tracking system.

The attached images are provided courtesy of the Minnesota Twins.

Jim Thome     Jim Thome

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